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Meet the Mayor of Westerville, Wednesday, April 4th – 6:30 p.m. at Annehurst School

Meet the Mayor of Westerville
Neighborhood program begins in April

Westerville Mayor Craig Treneff is hosting a series of neighborhood meetings to connect with residents, answer questions and hear feedback on City of Westerville programs and services. Residents will receive postcards notifying them of their neighborhood meeting date and time as their event draws near.

The first meeting will be held for Annehurst-area residents on Wednesday, April 4 at 6:30 p.m. at the Annehurst Elementary gymnasium, 925 W. Main St.

A major function of these “Meet the Mayor” sessions will be discussing new initiatives. Topics include:

WESTERVILLE SAFE: An emerging City effort to develop or enhance programs for those in need, including victims of domestic violence and human trafficking.

NEIGHBORHOODS: The City is looking closely at housing and how best to support its neighborhoods. We want your thoughts on protecting property values and existing housing stock, as well as meeting future needs.

KINDNESS AND CIVILITY: In light of programs like Neighborhood Bridges, Neighbor2Neighbor and Otterbein University’s Kindness Matters campaign, what more can we do to improve community relationships at the neighborhood level?

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